Letters of Support
Request for General Letter of Support
Requests for letters of support from the offices of Hispanic/Minority Serving Institution Initiatives are coordinated through the HSI/MSI Initiatives office. All principal investigators and pre-award support personnel must to adhere to the deadlines and processes below when requesting letters; do not send these requests directly to the Chancellor, Provost or VC Diversity. Non-compliant letters will be returned for correction.
Requests for letters of general support should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the proposal submission date.
Requestors should take into account periods of University closure when meeting these deadlines.
Requests for Letters of Support should be sent **via webform*** by any member of the grant writing team, per the deadlines noted above.
Attach a WORD version of the final draft of the letter, free of typos and grammatical errors, and in compliance with the sponsor guidelines. Your letter must clearly state how the project will advance UIC as a Hispanic/Asian-American/Minority serving institution. To learn more about servingness, please read this essay. You can also reach out to the HSI/MSI Initiatives director for a conversation as to ensure servingness is built into the project.
HSI/MSI Initiatives will 1) review the content for factual accuracy, and 2) secure signatures from the appropriate administrative official for all compliant letter requests.
HSI/MSI Initiatives reserves the right to make changes. Signed letters should be read carefully to identify any changes. Incomplete, inaccurate, or non-compliant letters will be returned for correction.
In your request, include the following information:
- Sponsor Name
- Brief description of the project with hyperlink to the RFP (attach RFP if not available electronically)
- Final sponsor deadline
- Any special requirements
- Point of Contact Information (one individual)
HSI/MSI Initiatives Response
The signed letter will be returned to the Point of Contact by email.